Thursday, 26 November 2015

Even MORE times tables champions!

We've got three more times tables warriors who are flying through the 'Knights of the Times Table' challenge! Well done to Issac W for completing the three times tables, Dan for completing the fours and Alex S for completing the elevens!

Thursday, 19 November 2015

More times tables heroes!

WELL DONE to the following children who've completed their times tables cards!
Zane - 4x tables
Paige - 5x tables
Joe - 3x tables
Harrison - 4x tables
Rebecca - 3x tables
Lily - 5x tables
Jessie T - 4x tables

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

This term's Darwin Value!

Our Darwin Value this term - Empathability! Leave a comment to explain what you think this means!

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Beech Class fire safety training!

On Tuesday morning, the Fire Service came to see Year Three - we had two sessions (one in the classroom and one outside with the fire engine) - it was amazing!

Monday, 9 November 2015

Times table champions!

We've had more heroes flying through their times table cards!
Well done to Isaac M for completing his 5 times tables, Liam for his 3 times tables and Alex S for his 9 times tables!

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

More times tables warriors!

WELL DONE to Eva, who has completed her 5 times table card, and to Jessica W and Dan, who've completed their 3 times table cards!